Customer Service


"Maximizing profits while increasing yields with the System of Champions"

Many of our best customers are America’s hard-working farmers, who recognize that the Conklin's AgroVantage System has been the most progressive and proven crop management system available for over 30 years. In an industry dominated by corporate giants, Conklin is one of the few independent, farmer-owned agriculture companies in the world. The Conklin AgroVantage crop management system is a tested and proven system that maximizes the potential of every acre for lower input costs, higher yields, and greater profits.

In today’s competitive marketplace, farmers recognize the commitment needed to take their crops to the next level:

  • Proper soil testing helps identify soil’s limiting factors and provides recommendations to positively impact yields.
  • Quality, proven products maximize the potential of soil and seed genetics. With the AgroVantage System never spends input dollars on nutrients crops won’t use.
  • Ongoing technical and practical training allows growers to discover a completely different way of feeding crops, putting new insights to work with remarkable results


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